Cara Mengatasi Akun Twitter Suspended

Tidak dipungkiri lagi, Twitter kini menjadi sosial media paling in di Indonesia bahkan di dunia. Kita bisa bebas berkicau menyuarakan isi pikiran dan hati di kita di media sosial yang satu ini. Selain itu, berita terbaru bisa ter-update dengan cepat melalui Twitter. Namun beberapa orang pernah mengalami gangguan dalam ber-Twitter ria, salah satunya adalah akun yang suspended. Memang mengesalkan, karena kita tidak bisa berkicau dan tiba-tiba follower dan orang yang kita follow mendadak menjadi 0 (nol).

Beberapa hal dapat menjadikan akun kita suspended:
– Terlalu banyak link iklan atau spam
– Login salah berulang kali
– Memfollow dan unfollow dalam waktu singkat
– Pelanggaran privasi
– Banyak orang melaporkan akun anda untuk diblokir
– “Beriklan” pada username tertentu
– Mention ke banyak orang secara manual
– Menggunakan aplikasi DM otomatis

gambar 1: contoh akun suspended

Berikut cara mengatasi akun Twitter yang suspended.

1. Login Twitter seperti biasa.

2. Pada bagian home, di kanan atas klik “Suspended Accounts” seperti gambar 1.

3. Setelah itu, anda akan masuk ke halaman “Your account has been suspended”. Pada halaman ini, anda akan dikonfirmasi untuk tidak mengulangi perbuatan yang membuat akun anda di suspend. Isi kode yang tertera, lalu klik “confirm”

4. Selesai dan akun anda sudah aktif kembali.

Bila anda akun anda tersuspended dua kali atau cara diatas tidak berhasil, jangan kuatir!

1. Ulangi langkah pertama dan kedua, nanti akan muncul menu seperti gambar 2.

Gambar 2

2. Pada option “To appeal your account suspention” yang ada di kanan bawah, klik menu “here”

3. Setelah itu anda akan masuk ke halaman seperti yang ada di gambar 3.

gambar 3


4. Isilah form tersebut
Description of problem: Dear Twitter, my account has been suspended. I’m sorry if I made a mistake in using the Twitter. But I don’t know why my account suspended, please fixed it. So I can using my account again. Thanks very much
Twitter username: @ NamaAkunTwitter
Email Address: ALAMAT EMAIL
Lalu klik “Submit”

Note: jangan pernah cantumkan atau menuliskan password anda

5. Tunggu email balasan dari Twitter. Biasanya tidak lama sekitar 1-2 hari. Di dalam email balasan dari twitter biasanya juga berisi list kesalahan yang anda lakukan. Bila tidak menemukan email di Inbox anda, coba cek pada folder SPAM.

6. Segera balas email begitu anda menerima balasan dari Twitter. Nanti akan ada keterangan, “Please type your reply above the line”. Itu tandanya anda harus membalas email tepat di atas tanda ## yang ditunjukkan, seperti pada gambar 4. Anda dapat menuliskan :
Thank you for the responses. Now, I know all my mistake. I promises, I will not repeat my mistake again. Thx a lot.
Balas dengan kata-kata di atas tapi jangan gunakan tanda petik (“)

gambar 4

7. Jika sudah dikirim, tunggu email balasannya. Jika sudah, maka akun Twitter anda dapat digunakan kembali 🙂


View Comments (245)

  • maaf saya udah ngikutin perintah yg di atas tapi udah 1minggu di tunggu gak ada balasan email apapun dan di spam juga gak ada apa2, trs saya mesti gimana/

    • Balasan ke email itu biasanya tergantung seberapa besar dan banyak kesalahannya. Makin parah kesalahannya, jawaban di email bisa sampai 2 minggu.

      • kalau punyaku opsi suruh nulis email kok nggak bisa ya? kayak udah dikunci itu. tapi waktu disubmit malah surus nulis alamat email.

      • min masa aku dijawab ke gini mksdnya apaan ya?tlg ya reply penting nih
        Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


        Technical details of permanent failure:
        Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain by [].

        The error that the other server returned was:
        554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a account ( [-5] -

        ----- Original message -----

        DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
      ; s=20120113;
        X-Received: by with SMTP id h7mr6414159pbo.101.1391091105711;
                Thu, 30 Jan 2014 06:11:45 -0800 (PST)
        Received: from [] ([])
                by with ESMTPSA id nw11sm42890303pab.13.2014.
                (version=TLSv1 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA bits=128/128);
                Thu, 30 Jan 2014 06:11:44 -0800 (PST)
        Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 21:09:39 +0700
        Importance: normal
        From: jilanshalawahalpsh
        Reply-To: jilanshalawahalpsh
        MIME-Version: 1.0
        Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="" gangerti min mksd nya

  • Aq nyoba cara yg kedua udah dpt balesan,trs udah aq bales tp belum di bales lagi,kira2 balesan yg kedua itu brp lama ya?

    • cara balesnya sdh betul atau belum? karena kalau salah taruh jawaban balesan, bisa jadi nggak akan dibales dari pihak twitternya.

  • klo blesannya kek gni , gmna kak ?

    We understand that you're contesting an account suspension. Please be sure to read this entire email; you will need to take further action in order to reopen your ticket and trigger a review of your account.

    Twitter suspends accounts for a variety of reasons:

    • If your account was suspended for aggressive following behavior, you should have received an email notification to the address associated with your Twitter account. You'll need to confirm that you've removed all prohibited following automation from your account, and will stop any manual aggressive following behavior. To expedite your appeal process, please review our Best Practices page if you haven't already, and then reply to this ticket with a confirmation that you understand our policies and will not engage in any prohibited following behavior.

    • Please take a minute to review the Twitter Rules.

    • If you received an email from saying 'you're being suspended' or that we're going delete your account, you're safe; the email is fake. More information here

    • While we strive to avoid mistakes, it's also possible that your account was suspended in error. If after reviewing the Rules, you have no idea why your account was suspended, just reply to this email indicating as much, and we'll take another look at your case. Our apologies if the error turns out to be ours.


    Twitter Support

    Responding to this email will reopen this ticket and put your ticket in queue for support. If you do not reply, your case will be closed. Note that you need to reply from the address this mail was sent to. If you use an alias (such as to manage your account, ensure that your reply comes from the alias address or your ticket may not be seen by our support staff.

    Please note, we cannot accept email attachments at this time; please include all information in the body of your request.

    udh saya bles, tpi blm ad blesanny.... btuh brp lama nggunyaa ?

    • kamu langsung bales begitu terima email? kalo kelamaan ntar dianggep expired. trs balesnya harus di atas gitu (seperti contoh), kalo di tempat lain biasanya gak akan direspon

  • Ehh, twitter udah bales lewat yahoo ku tanggal 25, tapi aku balesnya tanggal that okay?

  • kalo balesnya gini bener gak :

    From: Twitter Support
    To: N300690
    Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 3:31 AM
    Subject: #10751661 Twitter Support: update on "MY ACCOUNT HAS BEEN SUSPENDED"

    Thank you for the respone. Now, I know all my mistake. I promises, I will not repeat my mistake again. Thx a lot.
    ##- Please type your reply above this line -##

    • "Thank you for the respone. Now, I know all my mistake. I promises, I will not repeat my mistake again. Thx a lot." << boleh banget kok dijawab kayak gini :)

  • tapi kenapa yah,, begitu aku sumbit, langsung ada email dari yahoo, pas aku buka, ternyata tentang twitter ku yang ke suspend itu. padahal baru beberapa menit. gak sampe 1-2 hari. kenapa yah ?

  • kena suspend yang ke 2 kali nya nih,takut ga bisa bali :(
    kalo bisa bali twitter nya followers sama following nya NOL atau seperti semula? makasi :)

    • masih bisa balik kok. saya pernah punya akun twitter, ke suspend 2 kali dan masih bisa balik normal. kalau sudah balik, follower sama followingnya balilk spt semula kok :)